To begin, open the hopper and select the jaali (sieve) you want to use. We provide an assortment of 7 perforated jaalis with the flour mill, so that you can grind aata with different consistencies.
After you select the jaali as per your need, open the grinding chamber and you will find Net 1 already placed in it. You can remove this net and position the net of your choice in the allocated space in the grinding chamber. After you are done, lock the grinding chamber using the white knob on the left.
Slide the container below the grinding chamber so that all the milled flour is collected in it. The container consists of a filter that filters out the hot air that gets accumulated at the end of the milling. To begin the milling process, lock in the main door.
Press the START button to switch on the flour mill and MODE to choose the type of grain you wish to grind.
Pour in approximately 500 gms of grain into the hopper. The machine will start grinding the grains automatically
Wait till all the grain berries are sucked in by the hopper and let the machine turn off automatically. And voila! Your home-milled, fresh flour is ready!
Open the main door; unhook the filter attached to the steel chamber and remove the container from the chakki along with the filter. And voila! Your home-milled, fresh flour is ready to eat.
To clean your chakki, use the easy vacuum clean functionality by Natraj Aatamaker. Put the dust bag in the nozzle made in the back of the chakki and fix the suction pipe. Press START, so that the suction pipe can take in all the remaining aata particles and collect it in the dust bag.
Empty the dust bag and your chakki is ready for the next use.